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COVID-19 Update

Due to the current public health crisis, we wanted to update our clients and loyal followers.

The latest updates from the government do not make it clear whether we can or cannot start our season. Landscape Ontario is working hard to get clarification for us and as soon as we know, we will update you all as well. Fortunately, our season was not scheduled to start until April 6th and at this point, even with the 14 day lock down of the province, we are hoping to stay on that timeline.

Here is what we will be doing to ensure we are following government guidelines:

  • When we do arrive on your property, we will continue to socially distance ourselves until we get the all clear from the Government organizations. We kindly ask that you respect this and also make note to socially distance yourself while we are on site.

  • We will continue to wear gloves on site as well as wash and sanitize our hands throughout the day.

  • Our tools will be sanitized between each and every property

  • Each team member will be assigned tools to try to keep ourselves as safe as possible.

Stay safe everyone and enjoy this chance to take some rest from our stressful day to day lives. 🙏

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